
Creating Awesome Drama in Your Fiction

If you’re going to write short stories, it’s important to know what works. Whether you’ve hit the doldrums on a particular story or you’re not sure how to begin writing, the three character rule will add amazing drama to your fiction. Readers love drama; they love conflict; they want to see and feel something beautiful or intense or weird happening. Focus the power of your fiction by using the three character rule. you can watch out Awesome Asian Drama series from dramcool.

What is it?

Every story should have three characters that contribute to the drama of your story, and each character has his/her own role to play. The varying roles are as follows:

Central character. This one is clear. This character maintains the central viewpoint. Whether you’re writing in first or third person, no matter. This character has the most camera time. The conflict is theirs, and the reader should be rooting for them–even if s/he doesn’t want to. This character has the most to gain, and the most to lose.

Opponent character. For whatever reason, the central character is struggling with or against this character. S/he may be trying to get information from him, trying to control her behavior, trying to convince him of something… the possibilities are endless. Interestingly enough, the opponent character may or may not be aware of this conflict. As in life, s/he, simply by living, can be creating a serious disturbance in the central character’s force. Their very existence creates an obstacle that the central character must surmount.

Supportive character. This character plays a larger part in longer stories. In flash fiction, this character may simply enter the central character’s mind to communicate something essential to the reader. Whether s/he plays a large or small role, the supportive character helps the central character realize something important, either through the words they say or how they live. But in whatever manner, the supportive character pushes the central character (and the reader) into that a-ha moment of epiphany. They’re crucial to every short story.

If you’re having trouble with a particular story, look at who the central character is, and what he/she wants from the opposition. If this is clear, your story will be too. The three character rule is a simple way for you to understand this conflict, to increase the intensity in your writing, and to sharpen the drama in your fiction so that it resonates with amazing energy. Happy writing!

Influences and Drama Stories

Majority of individuals are caught up in the trap of living repetitive drama story games. They love drama and so their experiences, their story magnifies and grows bigger with use. On one level they want to get off that roller coaster, but deep down that energy is serving them, they love dwelling upon the things that they hate, because they love complaining about it and getting attention from it. So their focus goes to the things that they don’t want, the illusion and the unreal fear. In order to get off that roller coaster of living repetitive drama games you need to know what needs addressing and resolving.

To address your issues, problems and challenges can be broken down into 2 main categories.

1. Fear
2. Doubt

Let’s take a look at each individual category:

1. Fear – Fear is the hidden face within every scenario. The Many Faces of Fear reveals itself through your moods, emotions, reactions and actions. When you react with a negative emotion or a disempowering response to something or somebody else’s suggestion or conditions you will find that the energy behind that scenario is fear based. The root cause of any negative, angry or sad response is a fear and this resistance or a non acceptance towards a situation brings pain and suffering. Fear can be broken down to every other emotion, but it produces doubt, lack and limitations and it is brought on by judgments, agendas and seeking validation in others outside of self. Fear has two main components and that is real fear and unreal fear. Real fear is when you recognize that something is physically life threatening. An unreal fear is a belief, an emotion and a thought induced reaction that you have accepted as being true for you. Unreal and acquired fears such as phobias and inertia issues do not involve physical harm to others or to bring physical harm to yourself, unless you choose to, but the actual known harm is how you feel, especially about yourself. It is often perceived as an attack upon you from something within an incident that you believe is true and so these phobia or dream-up issues are reinforced by a certain perception of what you believe you fear.

2. Doubt – Doubt becomes another addictive story game that you are playing. You often blame negativity for your issues, problems and challenges, but at its core it is just doubt, pretending that you don’t know, that you are lost, that you lack clarity or something else or that you have failed, so you can come back and try it again. It is like a stuck record – it will come back to play the song of your story over and over again. Every day you doubt and mistrust yourself, with lack of clarity with your decisions, actions and thoughts rather than taking ownership and responsibility for your choices and your experiences. When you doubt, you mistrust yourself, you get caught up in the roller-coaster of dis-empowerment and victim-hood. The viral energy of doubt eats away at you, as this cloudy energy restricts the flow of energy, leading to energetically compressing and suppressing yourself. Fear is the core instigator of doubt and mistrust that puts up the barriers and the limitation to discover anything new. To step out of doubt, is to do what you fear to do the most, it is to go beyond the mental perception of doubt, to express your truth and share your original, creative and authentic nature.

You can only address your fears and doubts when you are willing to observe, accept and let go of the beliefs that dis-empower and no longer serves you. Up to now you have run from your fear and created every other emotion and reaction because you didn’t know the difference between a real fear and an unreal fear, which brought in doubt and mistrust.

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Amelia Private

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